How to get NFPA Certified
So, you are looking into getting NFPA certified? Receiving any kind of certification is a great way to obtain respect and recognition among peers, and will further your career in the fire industry. The NFPA offers a variety of certifications for different services:
- Certified Electrical Safety Worker (CESW)
- Certified Electrical Safety Technician (CEST)
- Certified Electrical Safety Compliance Professional (CESCP)
- Certified Emergency Power Systems Specialist for Facility Managers (CEPSS)
- Certified Emergency Power Systems Specialist for Health Care Facility Manager (CEPSS-HC)
- Certified Fire Alarm ITM Specialist (CFAITMS) for Facility Managers
- Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS)
- Certified Fire Inspector I (CFI)
- Certified Fire Inspector II (CFI-II)
- Certified Fire Plan Examiner (CFPE)
- Certified Hazard Recognition Specialist (CHRS)
- Certified Life Safety Specialist (CLSS-HC) for Health Care Facility Managers
- Certified Sprinkler ITM Specialist for Facility Managers (CSITMS)
- Certified Water-Based Systems Professional (CWBSP)
- Certified Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (CWMS)
- Certified Marine Chemist (CMC)
Requirements for most of these certifications is a high school diploma or equivalent. All certifications can be found online and training videos and practice exams are available as additional tools to help you obtain your NFPA certifications. All NFPA certifications require a filled-out application and payment to register for each course. Once the application and payment method is accepted, you can use the tools and ebooks provided to study for the exam.
Out of all of these certifications, one that stands out is the Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS) certification. If you are looking to advance in the fire industry, become a trusted individual and authority in this field, then obtaining your CFPS certification may be the best option for you. Requirements for this certification differ from the others. You will need one of the following accreditations:
- High school diploma, plus six years of verifiable work experience
- Associate’s degree in engineering, technology or another related discipline from an accredited college or university, plus four years of verifiable work experience
- Bachelor’s degree in engineering, technology, or other related discipline from an accredited college or university, plus two years of verifiable work experience
The application for the CFPS certification is $350 and the test is 100 multiple questions open-book. If you have met the requirements to be eligible for this certification, and are looking into an influential career in the fire and life safety industry, this is the best option! However, if you are looking to enhance your knowledge in any specific field, any type of NFPA certification will be helpful and is recommended for any specialist.
Here is the official NFPA certification page.
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